Love Fellowship
of Amarillo
Warren D. Coble
2501 SW 3rd Ave
Amarillo, TX
(806)  373-3603
About Bishop Warren D. Coble Sr.

Bishop Coble D. Coble Sr., Senior Pastor of Love Fellowship Church is a spiritual leader to many in the kingdom of God. Breaking away from the traditional mold of the male dominating leadership role, Bishop is equally committed to the elected ladies in the gospel. Lending his support to Women’s ministries across the country he has both mentored and inspired many women moving into the apostolic and pastorate.

With a heart for the people of God, Bishop Coble is taking the gospel across the country. Recently, the ministry has expanded to the Abilene, Texas area. With the help of the Lord, Bishop Coble will be hosting his 2nd Annual Conference in Abilene, Texas, June 22-25, 2011.

Born in Amarillo, Texas on February 8, 1952, Bishop Coble attended college at Amarillo College where he studied Radiology. Later he went on to study Theology at Southwest Extension Seminary located in Fort Worth, Texas. He is a dedicated husband, father, and grandfather and faithful friend. He accepted the Lord in the summer of 1968 under the late Pastor H.W. Cortez pastor of the Emmanuel Church of God In Christ. Bishop Coble first began working in the Sunday School Department at the age of 20 teaching ages 12-18.

Beginning in 1972 Bishop Coble served as the minister of music for 11 years. While serving in the music department Bishop Coble accepted his called to the ministry full-time. His first pulpit was Amarillo Boulevard where he ministered to the prostitutes and pimps. Later in 1978 he was ordained by the Late Bishop J.E. Alexander of the Texas North West Jurisdiction. Bishop Coble and his lovely family served as Chaplin for two years at West Texas State University to the black student body.

In April 1982 Bishop Coble and his family were sent to Shamrock, Texas to revitalize Holy Temple. As most new pastor’s, Bishop Coble continued to work a regular secular job from 11pm to 7am. At the end of his 7:00 am Sunday shift, Bishop Coble and his family would drive from Amarillo to Shamrock every Sunday morning in time to make the 9:45 AM Sunday School and devotional service. When  finances were low Pastor Coble would ride his motorcycle to Shamrock to save on gas. The Cobles along with their two daughters and son worked faithfully in Shamrock until August 1984 when Pastor Gary Thomas returned.

In October 1984 the late Superintendent Will Thirlkill senr the Cobles to Christ Temple, located at 1200 N. Madison. Christ Temple was a very small congregation that refused to close their door after the loss of their pastor Isaiah Carter.

In October, 1984 Bishop Coble went to work for Potter County as a correctional officer. Due to his loyalty and work ethics, he was promoted to Deputy Sheriff, Chaplin and Medic after completing the police academy. With the increase in salary, Bishop Coble was able to give the church $4000 to make renovation and to change the name from Christ Temple to Love Fellowship. The name Love Fellowship, Church of God In Christ was given to Bishop Coble in a dream.

November 19, 2004 the Lord provided Bishop Coble, with yet another location at 2501 SW 3rd. Street, as a new location for the Love Fellowship Church family.

Along with his good friend, Elisha Demerson, Pastor of Emmanuel, Church of God in Christ, Bishop Coble and members of Love Fellowship Church started Manna of Love, a ministry which serves full meal after services on the second and fourth Sunday of each month.

In the spring of 2006 and after much prayer Bishop Coble began working with one local church in Amarillo and two in Abilene Texas to form the “WE CONFERENCE” a conference designed to assist small churches.

Bishop Coble's commitment to ministry has spanned 38 years.

God has anointed Bishop Coble in the gifts of Word of knowledge, prophetic and discernment.
Bishop Coble and wife Mable

Love Fellowship History

In September of 1985 the late Superintendent W.C. Thirlkill sent Warren D. Coble Sr. to preach at 1200 North Madison in Amarillo, Texas at Christ Temple Church Of God In Christ. After a few Sundays of preaching to the small congregation that was previously served by the late Isaac Carter. Elder Coble and his family felt the call of God to serve as First Family after coming back from the National Meeting held in Memphis Tennessee.

The Original Members were
Carl Granville
Gloria Miles
James Richard Noble
Kanard Miles
Lisa Miles
Warren Coble
Rev Gail Miles
Stephanie Coble
Marlene Coble
Warren (Jr) Coble, Jand honorary member Mother Granville

The Spring of 1986 brought new life to the little church. Small repairs were made and in 1987 the lord spoke to Pastor Coble and the
church was named Love Fellowship. A special service was held and the Theme was "A New Beginning".

The small church fell on hard financial times. Pastor and Missionary Coble with 3 children pockets were stretched. Mother Granville came in and paid the rent for several months out of her pocket to keep the small church afloat. In 1990 things had leveled out enough and the finances were better so the small congregation decided to buy the 1200 N. Madison property. The Late Elder Thirlkill and Mr. Charles Warford stood for Pastor Coble, talked to the people who owned the property and had the ownersw to reduce the price somewhere between 3 and 5 thousand dollars. Passtor Coble and family came up with about 5000 dollars and began to renovate the church.

Brother Richardson climbed into the attic and began to kick the ceiling down while the furnishing were being set out side. Brother Thurman Hall, Brother Granville, Brother Richardson worked on the building daily while Sister Coble cooked meals and made sure the workers were fed nightly. Elder Crobsy a member of Emmanuel removed the outside south wall and replaced it as well as replacing bothe outer doors.

Our most precious gift came to Love Fellowship in the form of Mable Dickson and her 3 children. Sheila Nelson and others soon followed. As pastoring goes the membership rose and felled. Just like other churches members came and went--we were now an official church with gains and set backs. Even though Mother Granville was a member of another church, her influence, care, love, and devotion was always present. Mother Johnson and family--Jackie, Patsy, Von, Scotty,Thersa, Little Jackie, and many more of Mother Jonhson"s family. Elder Hank Swanson came along and served as a Sunday School teacher, a deacon and accepted his call to the preach ministry and later went to pastor The First Church Of God In Christ in Childress Texas.

In the summer of 1995 Mother Johnson's daughter Jackie saw some people in the park that were hungry and thus our feeding ministry began. In November of 2005 the Lord blessed us to move to a new location ,2501 SW Third Street. The Church name remained the
same -we just dropped Church Of God In Christ and became Love Fellowship of Amarillo. Now with our expanded facility we are able to feed a family style meal on the second and fourth sunday of each month with the help of Emmanuel Temple Church Of God In Christ 900 N. Adams, former county Judge Pastor Elisha Demerson. Our clothes closet and food pantry will reopen soon. There are so many people responsible for our success and even though some of them are gone their labor is yet at work in God's HOUSE OF LOVE.