Feldman's Wrong Way Diner
The city of Canyon Texas is the home of one of the most unique restaurants in the Texas Panhandle, Feldman's Wrong Way Diner.  And according to diner reviews, one of the finest.

•Feldman's Offers Team Discounts   •Small and Large Banquet Facilities Available.   •Bonus Card!  Sign up and recieve special discounts.

Feldman's is only a short 20 minute from Amarillo and conveniently right on the way to Palo Duro Canyon. Simply do not take the Palo Duro Canyon bypass and you will drive right to Feldman's next to the giant United Supermarket.

Feldmans is dedicated to anyone who has gone the wrong way, taken a wrong turn, made a wrong decision or in some way wandered off the beaten path....in other words: all of us at one time or another. Often, things just don't turn out the way you thought they would; but that's not always a bad thing.
For MENU, information about CATERING  and SPECIAL PARTY & BANQUET facilites, and much more information go to:
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